Price varies based on typical 1:1 to 1:4 ratio. Guide:Skiers
Please inquiry for availability and daily rates.
Join Fritz alone in this specialized experience or with a few friends
The West Kootenays backcountry is renown for producing high quality snow and provides excellent terrain for ski touring and shredding POW. From lift-accessed backcountry touring, to ski-touring and skiing some of the best runs, Fritz will get you there. With many years of experience guiding in the Kootenays, a high level of skill, knowledge and passion, Fritz is a professional and reliable guide for your group. He understands the importance of proper pre-tour preparation, efficiency, and calmness that ensures the safety of his group. He is a team player who is deeply committed and takes initiative to ensure that all group members are within their comfort zone at all times.
STARTING AT 100-400$ ea
Price varies based on typical 1:1 to 1:4 ratio. Guide:Skiers
Join Fritz alone in this specialized experience or with a few friends
The West Kootenays backcountry is renown for producing high quality snow and provides excellent terrain for ski touring and shredding POW. From lift-accessed backcountry touring, to ski-touring and skiing some of the best runs, Fritz will get you there. With many years of experience guiding in the Kootenays, a high level of skill, knowledge and passion, Fritz is a professional and reliable guide for your group. He understands the importance of proper pre-tour preparation, efficiency, and calmness that ensures the safety of his group. He is a team player who is deeply committed and takes initiative to ensure that all group members are within their comfort zone at all times.
Hover/Click for more info

Join Fritz & a small group (max 4 clients) on a jam packed adventure through the beautiful Kootenay back-country.
Fritz has an excellent safety record with no accidents under his watch as a guide over his 14 years of guiding in the Kootenay back-country. Fritz is an advanced wilderness first aid responder that keeps his certification and training updated. The safety of his group is always his highest priority!
BCA radio
Guiding expertise of Fritz
Travel/Medical Insurance
Rental and Lessons
avalanche/backcountry gear
Needs some more convincing?
To whom it may concern,
This present letter is to recommend, without any hesitation, Fritz Keller for the position of mountaineering / ski touring guide.
I had the privilege of having Fritz as a ski partner on a dozen of occasions. I was sold on the first day by his amazing positive attitude, his fantastic social skills and mostly by his unbelievable snow science and terrain knowledge.
It took only one day to trust him on every decision he made as all of them were explained to me and backed up by printed maps of slope we were going to, the printed avalanche reports, printed snow falls/wind reports for the last 12 hours; by the weather forecast for the next 24 hours and by a whole journal about snow conditions/snow pit test/ snow temperatures/outside temperatures/ wind speed and direction and snow accumulation starting late October 2017.
Than, before leaving the parking lot, he would always make sure that we had all the extra repair parts and all the cooking and sleeping gear we could need in case of sudden change in the forecast. He would always remind me where his first aid kit was and would show me were to find his spinal board and other extra 1st aid gear was in the car. He would also make sure every skier had a radio for perfect communication in bad weather conditions or when the terrain would not permit a visual between each skier. His first responder training always made me even more confident that I would always have a great day and would get home in one piece.
He brought me in the best skiing conditions even when the season seemed totally over and he brought me into the most exciting terrain, even when you could think that the weak base layer was a problem in any aspects. He would gather information all day about the snow stability on different aspects, temperature, wind speed, snow accumulation to make sure that our project was still going to be safe once we would reach it. We never changed our itinerary from the original plan unless it was unsafe; we would than stay in the same area but would go on a safe aspect. He also always made sure to adapt our plan to the weakest skier of the group and would find an easier way to ski down if someone was not comfortable for a project.
He is the most reliable AND laidback person I have skied with. He has never bailed; he has always been on time and been excited about any projects I had. Though he also convinced me with very good arguments that some of my dreams runs were not as safe as I thought for this season or this time in the season and could easily suggest similar adventures but in safer conditions.
Mr. Keller is the best guide/ski partner I have ever had period. For any further details or questions, please contact me on my phone or via email.
Have a great summer and a fantastic skiing season. M. Trudeau